Other services

Woodsure applications

It is now a requirement of the Renewable Heat Incentive that all wood fuel is Woodsure accredited*.  This applies if you are buying your wood in, supplying your own wood, or selling wood for use in RHI boilers.

Your Energy Source can help you get your Woodsure accreditation without the hassle.  This service includes

  • Assistance in setting up an online Woodsure account
  • Land criteria compliance check
  • Gathering of all essential documents for the application process
  • Where appropriate and if required, scanning and printing of documents.
  • Completing the Woodsure application form
  • Creation of the Woodsure Quality manual
  • Answering any queries from Woodsure during the application process
  • Creation of a custom simple to use checklist that keeps you compliant.
  • Provision of templates for recording requirements where appropriate.
  • Training in the use of the recording templates.
  • Site ‘health’ checks to ensure compliance and provide training.

Contact us for more information

*Wood pellets can meet the ENplus A1 standard instead.

Planning Permission

We can provide full planning support for your RHI approved technologies, delivering ad-hoc planning consultancy on your particular circumstances and renewable technologies.

This includes all technical drawings and answering all queries from your local authority.

We have an in-house planning consultant with many years of experience of renewable energy related applications.

Please contact us for more information.